Who’s got the power? Why you should set up Enduring Powers of Attorney

Enduring Powers of Attorney let you decide who can make decisions about you and your property if you can’t make those decisions due to illness or injury.… Read More

What happens to your debt when you die?

Does your debt disappear when you die, or are your family obliged to pay your debts when you pass away?… Read More

Who should have my assets when I die? Deferring that decision

It is sometimes difficult for a person to decide how to distribute their assets, if they believe a change of circumstances for their intended beneficiaries is possible.… Read More

Are you mentally capable of signing a will?

How do you tell if someone is mentally capable of signing a will? What does the law say?… Read More

Thinking of a retirement village?

As you become older, your residential living needs change, and moving may become necessary. There are four general types of residential arrangements that you can consider.… Read More

What is a reverse mortgage?

If you own a house, are short on cash, and are around 60 years old, banks will sometimes agree to lend you money and only expect repayment when certain things (for example your death or the sale of the property) happen. These are called “reverse mortgages”.… Read More

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