WRMK welcomes Pera Paniora to the firm

WRMK Lawyers is delighted to welcome Ihapera (Pera) Paniora to its team of Dargaville lawyers.

Pera is a member of WRMK’s dispute resolution team, and has a particular interest in providing employment law advice and support. She has previously worked at other smaller Dargaville firms and has experience in many different areas of the law, including property, relationship property, estate planning and trusts.

She is of Te Roroa and Ngāti Whātua descent, and is also interested in working in the area of Māori land law.

WRMK Lawyers Director and Employment Team Leader David Grindle said, “We’re delighted to have Pera, with her local knowledge and particular legal expertise, join us as part of our Dargaville team.”

Pera was born and bred in Dargaville, attended Dargaville High School and previously worked at the Ministry of Social Development before studying law at the University of Auckland.

Pera said, “I’m thrilled to join WRMK Lawyers. It’s the best of both worlds, working as part of a close-knit local team, backed up by the resources and expertise of a larger firm to make a difference for our clients.”

View Pera’s profile here.