Being compliant with employment law does more than tick boxes – it supports your business to run smoothly and reach its goals. Our team can support you to hire and retain the right people (and the right number of people) for your business, and empower your management team to deal with workplace issues if they arise.

Often employers don’t really think about their employment law obligations until an issue arises in the workplace. We’re here to help when that happens, but we can also help you be prepared to avoid small matters turning into big issues in the first place.

Help! A personal grievance…

A personal grievance is more than just a relationship breakdown and loss of productivity, it can really hit in the pocket for employers. We help employers respond to personal grievances, including strategic advice on how to respond, drafting letters and running meetings with the employee, attending mediation, and appearing in the Employment Relations Authority.
Download our Employer Guide to Personal Grievances

I’m hiring…

We help businesses to prepare employment agreement templates and supporting workplace policies that work for them. We also help employers reduce their risk, while maximising their flexibility, when hiring new staff, including advice about the right type of employment agreement, 90-day trial periods, probationary periods, visa requirements, and offer letters.
Download our Employment Guide to Employment Agreements

I have an employee issue…

Employers and workers are both only human, and inevitably, there will be times when an employee is not quite meeting the standard expected. We help employers with strategy, preparation for investigation meetings, preparing appropriate letters to employees, advice on timeframes and developing performance improvement plans.
Download our Employer Guide to Handling Employee Misconduct

I want to hire people from overseas…

If you are looking to hire migrant workers to support your business, we can help. We assist employers to become accredited under the Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme. Once you have accreditation, we ensure your employment agreements are compliant, and can assist with the job check process and development and classification of role descriptions.
Download our Employer Guide to Hiring Workers from Overseas

I need to exit an employee…

Sometimes its clear an employment relationship is not working out. Often employers have decided the outcome they want (to exit an employee) but need help to get there in a compliant way. We work with employers to determine the best route and appropriate fair process to exit an employee, with urgency if the situation demands it. This includes advising on performance management, suspension and warnings, and termination of employment.
Download our Employer Guide to Terminating Employment

My staffing needs have changed…

The needs of your business are constantly changing, and sometimes its clear that old team structures or staffing levels are no longer the right fit. Restructuring doesn’t always mean making staff redundant. We can help you build a plan to align your team and structure to your business goals, and provide background support, such as planning meetings and drafting communications to help you roll it out.
Download Employer Guide to Restructuring and Redundancies

Would you like some free, plain English advice to help you be more compliant with employment law? Then our free E-LAW email series is for you. Each week for four weeks, you’ll receive an email talking through common scenarios employers encounter, and how these might be handled. Please fill in your details below to subscribe, and you’ll get one easy to read email covering a different employment law topic, each week for four weeks.

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*Employment relations can be a sensitive area. Details have been changed to protect the identities of our clients. These case studies are typical of the sorts of matters we help our clients with, but any likeness to real people or businesses is purely coincidental.


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David Grindle


Office: Whangarei, Dargaville

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Simon Davies-Colley


Office: Whangarei, Kerikeri

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Kezia Purdie

Senior Lawyer

Office: Whangarei

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Alex Mills-Wallis


Office: Whangarei

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George Easton


Office: Whangarei

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Georgia Blockley


Office: Whangarei

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Reid McLean

Law Clerk

Office: Whangarei

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