Finding yourself in an employment dispute, or being unfairly treated can be incredibly stressful. Our team are fierce advocates for our employee clients to support you through these difficult situations. We help employees with a wide range of employment relationship problems, from disciplinary matters to redundancies to bullying and other personal grievances.
We start by listening. During your consultation with us, we’ll find out more about your situation and the outcome you’re seeking. From there, we can advise you on your options, next steps, and give you information about your likely legal fees and the kind of support that might best fit the outcome you’re seeking and your current financial situation.

I want to raise a personal grievance…

I’m going through a disciplinary process…

I want to negotiate an exit package…

I’m being bullied or harassed at work…

I’m being fired or forced to resign…

I’m being made redundant…

What will it cost to get help from a lawyer?
This depends on the complexity of your issue, and the instructions you give us.
We usually ask for an initial retainer of between $500 and $1,000 for new clients. This covers us coming up to speed with your situation, reviewing your employment agreement and any other documents you send us, and our initial advice to you. Our work is charged at our usual hourly rates, which range between $250 and $425 per hour*, as well as office expenses and other disbursements.
This can sound a like a lot upfront, but we are often able to negotiate a contribution to legal fees as part of any settlement we negotiate for you, which may cover most, if not all, of our fee.
We do not operate on a “no win, no fee” basis as we wish to represent all clients who need our help, not just those looking to achieve a financial settlement at the end of the process.
Can you make my employer pay my legal fees?
We will generally negotiate a contribution to costs (your legal fees) in any settlement offer related to your personal grievance. If we achieve settlement during negotiation or at mediation, or succeed in the Employment Relations Authority, it is likely there will be a payment made by your employer towards your legal fees. This contribution to costs may not cover all your legal fees, as such a payment is generally calculated at a tariff rate, which may not take into account the complexity of your matter.
It is important to note, however, that you only receive a contribution to costs if you settle your grievance or succeed in the Employment Relations Authority. If you do not ‘win your case’ or are not able to reach a settlement which includes a costs contribution prior, your employer cannot be made to pay your legal fees.
How long will it take to get an outcome?
Unfortunately the answer is “it depends”. Some matters can be resolved within a week by negotiation, others can take months to get to an Employment Relations Authority hearing. Every person’s situation is different, so each timeframe is different. We will advise you on what the process may look like for you once we have an understanding of the facts of your case.
Do I have to go to Court to get a payment?
Not at all. Most employment disputes settle long before they go to Court. Mediation and negotiation are the most common ways of reaching a settlement in employment disputes. Where an employer is not responsive to the grievance, we may need to advance the matter to the Employment Relations Authority. The first step the Authority will usually take is to order the parties to attend mediation if they have not done so already.
What is included in a settlement package?
Settlement payments may include a payment towards lost wages, any wages or holiday pay owed for time worked, compensation for hurt and humiliation, and a contribution to your legal costs. Sometimes settlement arrangements will also include non-monetary obligations such as providing an apology or certificate of service, or agreeing wording to be used to describe your exit from the organisation. Settlement agreements will usually be highly confidential between the parties, and both parties will agree not to speak badly of each other to other parties. This protects your reputation, and ensures you can move on and into the next stage of your career.
Once the agreement is signed, payment is enforceable, although the settlement agreement will also need to be verified by a Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment Mediator.
What happens when I engage a lawyer to support me?
When you contact us, we’ll ask you to tell us about your situation and the issue(s) you are facing. The first thing we will do is run a “conflict check” and make sure, for example, that we do not already act for your employer. We’ll then make sure that our team is the right fit for your matter and expectations and discuss fees with you. The options available to you will depend on the facts of your issue, and what outcome you hope to achieve (for example, restoration of relationship with employer, reinstatement or a monetary pay out). We will be as transparent as we can about costs and timeframes, so you can make an informed decision as to what you’d like us to do.
Once we’ve agreed a plan with you, we can support you with compiling evidence to support your position, drafting letters, attending and supporting you through meetings and negotiating on your behalf to reach the best outcome possible.
What information do you need to start working with me?
To open a file for you, we’ll need your full name, date of birth, address, email and phone number. It’s also highly likely we’ll need to see your employment agreement, and any emails, letters or texts from your employer relevant to the issue you’re facing. It can also be helpful for you to prepare a short written summary of what has happened, with dates, to send to us.
If you cannot access something, or your employer has access to it and you do not, don’t worry. We are able to request relevant information from your employer on your behalf, if you give us consent.
*as at November 2023
*Employment relations can be a sensitive area. Details have been changed to protect the identities of our clients. These case studies are typical of the sorts of matters we help our clients with, but any likeness to real people or businesses is purely coincidental.