Every second person seems to have been victim to, or knows someone who has been the victim of, a scam.
Given how prevalent and tricky some scams are, we should all be wary. Anyone can be targeted, and don’t assume that you will not be sucked in.
Lately Facebook has become a new playground for scamsters. This could be a pop-up claiming you need extra security on your computer, saying you have won something through a Facebook online competition, and even “find out who has been viewing your page” could take you to a link which will then send you and all your friends never ending spam.
With jobs scarce, illegal pyramid schemes are also becoming common. These involve paying sums of money, which you will supposedly get back with interest when you recruit new sellers. But of course, the “organisers” disappear with your money and you never see a cent.
Also beware of scams when travelling. In this case, New Zealand Police and law will be unable to help you.
Some warning signs of scams:
- promises of unrealistic earnings
- requests for money up-front/straight away
- pressures for you to act quickly
- only a PO Box is given, instead of street address
- claims of “This is not a scam!”
For more information www.scamwatch.govt.nz is a great website with details about current scams and how to not get caught out by one.